Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time to Train

When is the best time to talk to a professional dog trainer? Well, the obvious answer is anytime. But I see some guardians out there who wait so long. The best time to contact a trainer is before a problem arises—or at the very least before a problem escalates. Dog training has changed completely from the rough-handling tactics of the 1970s and prior. There are lots of great trainers out there who can give you great advice. Why do guardians put off training? If you have a puppy, you have a sponge. If you just rescued a dog, now is the time to start things off right. Why would you let a housebreaking problem continue for longer than a month—let alone for years? (True story.) Trainers hear about problems so late sometimes. That’s not fair to your furry friend.

Let’s show your dog how to walk nicely on a leash! Let’s keep him from barking at the neighbors! Let’s get him to enjoy car rides! Now is the time. My sessions are only $85. Having a trained dog is not expensive and it’s lovely!

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